
for any camera
Makeup really matters, as you can see in this series ranging from none to too much. After we did this sequence, we tended to photograph Nicole with SOME makeup most of the time.

Bottom Line: When photographing women, pay attention to makeup.

Each photo is shown with what makeup specialist Liz says are the forms of makeup added.

105mm, f11, studio flash

no makeup
makeup 2
makeup 3
makeup 4
makeup 5
makeup 6
too much makeup
way too much makeup
no makeup
makeup 2
makeup 3
makeup 4
makeup 5
makeup 6
too much makeup
way too much makeup
no makeup
makeup 2
makeup 3
makeup 4
makeup 5
makeup 6
too much makeup
way too much makeup

No makeup at all.

Added foundation and eye primer. (I can't help but notice the overlap between the terms used in makeup with those used in the construction trades.)

Added powder, one matte neutral, one coat of mascara.

(Mascara is one of those woman-words that he-men can say only with effort.)

Added light eye liner, concealer, light blush, lip balm.

Added deeper blush, color on lips, darker liner, and eye shadow.

Added 2nd coat of mascara, deeper eyeshadow, more blush, darker lips.

Added brow pencil, black liner, heavier shadow, deeper blush, darker lips.

Added black shadow, false lashes, red lips.

No makeup at all.

Added foundation and eye primer. (I can't help but notice the overlap between the terms used in makeup with those used in the construction trades.)

Added powder, one matte neutral, one coat of mascara.

(Mascara is one of those woman-words that he-men can say only with effort.)

Added light eye liner, concealer, light blush, lip balm.

Added deeper blush, color on lips, darker liner, and eye shadow.

Added 2nd coat of mascara, deeper eyeshadow, more blush, darker lips.

Added brow pencil, black liner, heavier shadow, deeper blush, darker lips.

Added black shadow, false lashes, red lips.